Cross Country

Welcome to Cross-Country!

It is a relatively short season this year and we are pleased that your child has committed to representing Colquitz Middle School!

Coaches:  Ashleigh Albach,Christine Crljenkovic,  Leean Harvie


Tuesday and Wednesday lunch 

A sign up sheet will be posted on the athletic board at the beginning of each week and students must indicate if they need a ride to and/or from the venue.  We will meet all students in the foyer to ensure all have a ride.



Monday, September 25th –  Lambrick Park Field (best to park off Feltham Rd)

Thursday September 28th– Cedar Hill REC Centre (No parking at the Cedar Hill Rec Centre Parking lot. Please park on the street and overflow parking lot on North Dairy/Finlayson St.) **If there is a parent familiar with this route to help with course set-up, please contact Christine Crljenkovic as soon as possible.

Thursday,  October 5th– Beaver Lake (Located beside the Filter Bed parking area. Drivers will turn off Elk Lake Road into the park and continue past the dog park area, continue past the second parking area and end up in the third parking lot which is gravel. There is a large grey sign with blue lettering to designate the area of the park.) 

 Thursday October 12th – West Shore (venue to be determined. 


 **We will be relying on parent drivers to get runners to the Meet.  Please let your child know at least 2 days before the race if your child needs a ride. Teachers can drive the remaining runners if we know ahead of time. I am able to give rides back to the school after our last student has finished their run and all athletes have been picked up by their parents.  If you need to contact me by cell:  250 896-6006 

**If you are driving another child, you must fill in the driver’s abstract and criminal record check found on our website.

League information:

Ribbons will be given out after each race to the top 15 boys and girls and to the top teams.   You can always go to the LIMMSA  

The schedule is also posted on our school website as well as on the information board in the lobby.

If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Christine Crljenkovic at the school or by email.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

Coaching Team