September 29

Calling all girls in grade 6 and 7:  Tryouts for basketball will begin next week on Tuesday and Friday am before school.  Tryouts begin at 7:30 until 8:30.

Could ALL PEOPLE wearing Orange Shirts please go to the foyer quickly at Nutrition break for an Orange Shirt group photo?  We will remind you then as well.  Again, please go directly to the foyer for a quick group photo.  Thanks!

Congratulations to all of the runners who ran in yesterday’s meet at Cedar Hill.  It was a beautiful day for a run and you really represented Colquitz well.  We only have one more Meet and that is next Thursday at Beaver Lake. See you Tuesday at lunch!


TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA. Here were this week’s animal themed trivia questions and their answers

The Student Question was: The age of a lion can be determined by its what?

Answer: Its mane (for males) and the darkness of its nose for all lions!

Winners: Leah-Div3, Alexis D.-Div.13, Stella-Div.23

The Staff Question was : What animal has the highest blood pressure?

Answer: Giraffe

Winner:Ms. Albach

Next week will feature a question on our new theme: Sports


Fine Arts

*Lunch: Thorstein monologue

​*1:04pm Beginner Strings

*1:44pm Intermediate/Advanced Strings

All Band students remember to bring your instrument to school on Tuesday.  Grade 7 Band will be meeting on Wednesday morning.