September 28

Rugby rugby rugby- touch rugby practice today at lunch on the back field

Calling all girls in grade 6 and 7:  Tryouts for basketball will begin next week on Tuesday and Friday am before school.  Tryouts begin at 7:30 until 8:30.

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is this week. We will be sharing topics each day to invite discussions in your classes. Today’s prompt is: “What evidence have you seen of any revitalization of culture and ceremony in the territory in which we live?”

Drumming practice for Friday’s assembly (everyone welcome) at 12:15 today in room 126 in Red Pod. 

The Colquitz Rainbow Club will meet today at lunch in the library! New people always welcome 

Congratulations to the ultimate team on going undefeated again at yesterday’s jamboree.  Practice today after school!


Fine Arts

*9:36am Band 8

*10:34am Band 6 green team

*11:15am Band 7

*Lunch Jazz Band

*Lunch: Any stage crew not in Jazz Band 

Don’t forget to take all of your instruments home for the weekend and bring them back on Tuesday.

*After school: Scenes 5 & 11a (Naddod and Erik the Red only)