September 27

Rugby rugby rugby- The touch rugby teams fought hard in their games against Glanford and Shoreline. Great first game everyone! There will be a practice tomorrow at lunch

Calling all girls in grade 6 and 7:  Tryouts for basketball will begin next week on Tuesday and Friday am before school.  Tryouts begin at 7:30 until 8:30.

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is this week. We will be sharing topics each day to invite discussions in your classes. Today’s prompt is: “What do you think happened in communities that had no children over the age of five?”

Drumming practice for Friday’s assembly (everyone welcome) at Nutrition Break today in room 126 in Red Pod. 

We have a gentle x-country run today at lunch.  Make sure if you plan on attending the Meet Thursday that you have signed up on the board, especially if you need a ride.

Ultimate frisbee players please see Mr. Leblond in the art room during nutrition break to discuss rides to today’s jamboree.


Fine Arts

*10:34am Band 7

*11:15am Band 6 amber team

*Lunch Jazz Band

*Lunch: Any stage crew not in Jazz Band

*AFTER SCHOOL: Scene 1 (Pukki, Eyjolf, Erik, Thorgunna,  Leif, Thorvald, Freydis, Thorstein, Tyrker,  Gudrid, Aud, Helgi, Bolgi, Thorbjorg, Hilda, Inga)

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and all grade 6 Clarinet players