September 15

Rugby rugby rugby- Touch rugby practice today at 12. Meet at the outside gym doors by the cage.

– Students in Grade 6, 7 and 8 who are interested in playing Ultimate Frisbee are invited to come to the Art Room at lunch recess to sign up and receive permission forms. Our first practice will be on Tuesday, and our first game next Wednesday.

Next Thursday is Colquitz Spirit Day!  Show your school spirit by wearing blue and white or Colquitz spirit wear!  


TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA. Here were this week’s Animal themed trivia questions. 

Student Question: What mammal has the most powerful bite?

Answer: Hippopotamus

Winners:Nathaniel-Div.2, Oliver-Div.6, Mason-Div.16

Staff Question: What animal has the thickest fur of any animal?

Answer: Sea Otter

Winner: Mr. Geoghegan

Thanks to everyone for entering this week! Stay tuned next week for another animal themed question.


Fine Arts

* Lunch Auditions for the Fall Play continue! (bring your lunch with you!)

*1:04pm Beginner Strings

*1:44pm Intermediate/Advanced Strings 

*After school Auditions for the Fall Play conclude in the Drama room 3:00- 4:30pm