Another reminder about the Lunch Program and Lunchtime eating:
- ONLY STUDENTS on the program can go to the canteen at lunch. No bringing friends along who are not on the program
- Once you pick up your lunch, you must return immediately to your own classroom to eat your lunch..
- IF you forgot a lunch, extras will be brought to the office at the end of lunch eating. Stay in your classroom until then and then go by the office to see what’s available. We also have our fruit and granola bars for those who forget their lunch
- For ALL students – you must remain in your own classroom for lunch eating. No exceptions. If you are found in the hall or in others’ classrooms more than once, you will be eating your lunch in the office.
x-country practice is today at lunch. We are meeting at the Colquitz sign at the front of the school where cars enter. Please be there at 12:05 dressed in proper shoes. Staff are welcome!
The first ultimate frisbee practice is today after school. Any students interested in playing are invited to attend the practice which will run from 3 until 4 pm. Meet Mr. Leblond in the Art Room at the end of the day before heading out to the field.
Interested in joining the Colquitz Mountain Bike Club? If you missed yesterday’s information meeting, please talk to Mr. Leblond, Ms. Spies or Ms. Dixon. Mr. Leblond has forms for those that want to join or need more information. Please bring in your mountain bikes to school on Friday so that we can inspect their function and condition.
Touch rugby practice on Wednesday and Friday at lunch on the back library field. Please return your pink permission form and code of conduct to Ms. Irving in Rm 106 ASAP.
Tomorrow there will be an information meeting about Night League Basketball in the gym at NB for
any boys, grade 6, 7 or 8 who are interested in basketball. All skill levels are welcome!’
Soccer practice Thursday at Lunch and afterschool on Thursday. Bring in your pink forms to Mr. Brown in room 121.
Fine Arts
* 9:36am Grade 6 Band (amber)
* 10:33am Grade 8 Band
* 11:15am Grade 6 Band (green)
* Lunch Auditions for the fall play
* 7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir
TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA. It is Tuesday Trivia Time! Each Tuesday Ms. MacKenzie … that’s me 🙂 will read out a trivia question created by Mr. Arnott (and hopefully soon by some leadership students). Students and staff may write an answer on the ballot provided and put it into the bin underneath the Leadership bulletin board near the custodian’s office by the end of TODAY. If your correct answer is chosen, you will win a box of smarties, a bookmark and bragging rights. Remember to write your name and division, staff should write their prize can be delivered to and NO GOOGLING the answers! Good luck!
The student question is: What is the largest mammal in the world?
The staff question is: What do you call a group of jellyfish traveling together?