October 25

If classes could settle down for the announcements that would greatly be appreciated by all the volunteer staff holding programs. Many students are not hearing important information.

Wondering what you can win a prize for on Halloween? Well it’s your lucky day If you come to the roundabout parking lot at colquitz middle school on tuesday october 31st dressed up in a costume. You can win a prize for…Scariest costume, Funniest costume, Best group [3+], Best prop, Best homemade costume, Most detailed. Reminder:no weapons

If you are registered for the swim club but did not see Ms.Steffens yesterday, please go to her room (111) at Nutrition Break to get forms and more information about our first practice. If you are not sure if your parents/guardians have registered you, come down anyway and Ms.Steffens can let you know.

Any students who are volunteering for the Marigold Elementary dance, please bring your permission slip to Ms Schuring today. 

Basketball news:

It was an exciting game at Colquitz yesterday with the girls grade 6 comp team ending in a close score!  Your spirit was a lot of fun to watch!

Today the gym is open at NB for shooting practice for all those on a team.

Practice at lunch today for the ⅞ boys rec team.  Your first tournament is on Monday so make sure you show up.  You also have a practice at 7:50 am Thursday.  

Practice for the grade 8 boys comp team after the dismissal bell today and Thursday after school.

6/7 boys intramural practice Thursday at lunch.

Thank you to the following students for helping out with scorekeeping this week.  Your time is really appreciated.   Poppy, Aubrie, Saraya, Annalee, Thomas, Sawyer and Landon.

Remember:  If you are looking to apply for Athletic Leadership next year, you need to put some time towards leadership activities at Colquitz throughout the year.

Fine Arts – Want to win some candy and help support the Colquitz Fine Arts program?  It’s time for the Halloween Candy guess!  Come to the foyer at lunch and guess how many candies are in the jar.  Guesses are 25 cents each and we will announce the winner on Tuesday afternoon.

*10:34am Band 7

*11:15am Band 6 amber team

*Lunch Jazz Band


*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Flute players


​*Poinsettia orders due today


Humpty dumpty had a great fall.  Summer wasn’t too bad either!


What do you call two ducks and a cow? Quackers and milk! Thats a knee slapper!!!!!!!!!!!!