October 24

Please bring a pencil and eraser to Home Economics Exploratory! Gr 8s bring socks if you have them.

This Friday evening Marigold Elementary is hosting their school Halloween Dance. Marigold School is looking for a few volunteers to help at the concession, photo booth and quiet room.  If you are in grade 7 or 8 and are interested in helping out this Friday evening from 5:15 until 7:30, please see Ms. Schuring in room 120 at Nutrition break. 

On Tuesday October 31st we will be hosting the Colquitz Halloween Costume Contest! It will be held in the Round-about in the parking lot. Wear your best costume. And maybe win a prize.

The yearbook cover design contest is now open. If you would like to enter a cover for this year’s cover design contest, please refer to the bulletin board by the office or the information sheets in your classroom. Submissions are due by November 7th. 

All students who have registered for the swim club, please come to Ms.Steffens room, room 111, at Nutrition Break to get forms and more information about our first practice. If you are not sure if your parents/guardians have registered you, come down anyway and Ms.Steffens can let you know.


Basketball news:

Great job last night by our 2 sr comp teams!  Although we did not win our games, we saw excellent team work, perseverance and tons of skill.  Your next game is next Monday.

Girls ⅞ girls comp practice at lunch today. And meeting in room 125 at nutrition break

Girls gr 6 comp after school today!  Come out and cheer them on!  Scorekeepers-confirm with Mrs. C  that you are able to stay today until about 5:00 or 5:15.

Boys ⅞ rec practice Wednesday at lunch and Thursday morning at 7:50.  .

Boys ⅞ comp Wednesday at 2:00 right after the early dismissal bell.


TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA: Here are the final sports themed trivia questions. Good Luck!

Student question: Michael Phelps holds the record for the most Olympic medals all time with 28. What sport did he compete in?

Staff question: What is the PGA record for the highest score (worst) ever recorded on a par 4?


Fine Arts

*10:34am Band 6 amber team

*11:15am Band 6 green team

*Lunch CHANGE: Scene 19 Leif, Gunna, Disa only

*1:04pm Band 8

*After school: Scene 14 and 18a Freydis, Aud, Helgi, Bolgi, Bjarni only (No Norn!)

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade 6 Choir and Grade 8 Band


​*Pointsettia orders due Wednesday