October 18

 A list will be posted after school for the grade 8 and seven boys who tried out for the basketball team. Be sure to check as the next practice for the competitive team is tomorrow after school. 

Basketball for grade 8 boys Thursday after school.  Grade 7’s will join the lunchtime practices for now.

Basketball practice for Girls ⅞  Thursday at lunch

Basketball scrimmage for 6/7 boys today at lunch.

Basketball practice for 6/7 girls Thursday 7:30

Mrs C will open the gym at NB Monday, Wednesday and Friday for those who are on basketball teams to have a shooting practice.

Ultimate Frisbee players – please remember to return your washed jerseys to Mr Leblond in the Art Room as soon as possible. 


Fine Arts

*10:34am Band 7

*11:15am Band 6 amber team

*Lunch Jazz Band

*Lunch: Any stage crew not in Jazz Band

*AFTER SCHOOL: Scene 4 (All Villagers called please!)

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Percussionists. Brett, Travis and Vince, make sure to attend tomorrow morning.