October 15

Lead the Change club today at noon in the library-bring your lunches


Rugby rugby rugby- please return your jerseys to Ms. Irving asap. 


Candy bags! On sale today for $2 in the main foyer at nutrition break and at the start of lunch recess. Proceeds go to support  Tour De Rock and Cops for Cancer. Tour De Rock rider, Mary Ellen Somerville will be on hand at nutrition break to help with sales. Thank you for your support!  


The Colquitz Swim team starts this week with our first practice on Friday. If you have registered for the team, or are planning to do so, please see Ms.Steffens in Room 111 at nutrition break today for more information and to pick up required forms!!!


Ultimate players, please return your washed uniforms to Mr. Leblond. There are still a number of players that have not returned their jerseys. Please return them as soon as possible as they are needed for other sports.


Garden club today. Meet Mr. Leblond in the Art Room before going outside to the garden.


Soccer meeting at nutrition break room 103. Attendance is mandatory as we need to sort out rides. 


X-country run at lunch today.  Our last practice before our last Meet tomorrow.  Tomorrow’s meet is at Juan de Fuca rec Centre.  


Tomorrow at lunch there is a 6/7 girls and grade 6 boys shooting practice with Mrs. C.


Mountain bike club rides resume next Monday. If you are interested in joining the Mountain Bike club, please speak to Mr. Leblond, Ms. Spies or Ms Dixon.


(Ms Schlappner next two:)


I noticed a lot of people arm wrestling outside last week. There were large crowds surrounding them, and this is often an indicator to the adults that something may be wrong.  I realize that people think this is a harmless thing to do, but we have a hands-off rule here at school, and even though the intention is fun, the impact is that someone could still get hurt.  So, as I said to those I found doing it, and now I am saying to everyone: Arm wrestling is not allowed at school.  If you are found doing it, and do not stop when asked, you will be sent to the office to speak with me.  Thank you for your help in keeping Colquitz safe for everyone.

Fri-Yay! at Colquitz – A Celebration of Student Awesomeness!

Here at Colquitz, we know that there are many students who are going over and beyond every day in some way.  Some are working extra hard on their learning.  Some go out of their way to be helpers to staff.  Others make sure they are kind, respectful and safe with their friends and classmates, and support them when they’re having a hard time.  Others try to make people smile when they need it, or help clean up garbage or a mess that they didn’t even create.  No matter what you do to make Colquitz a better place, we want to make sure you know we see you and appreciate you.

So, starting this week, we will have a draw every Friday to celebrate those who are being awesome in some way.  All week, staff will be paying attention, and when they notice you doing something special in a self-less way, they will write your name on the “Fri-Yay” form for your grade, and give it to you to bring to the office.  In the office, we will have three containers: one for grade 6s, one for grade 7s, and one for grade 8s.  Remember to put yours in the right grade’s container!  We will draw one from each every week.

Then, on Friday, if your name is drawn and announced on the announcements, come to the office for a prize and a big cheer from your class!  Looking forward to seeing all of you bring in your nominations!


Candy bags! On sale today for $2 in the main foyer at nutrition break. Today is our last day to raise money for Cops for Cancer – Tour De Rock. Thank you for your support!


Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 6 Band (amber)

* 10:33am Grade 8 Band

* 11:15am Grade 6 Band (green)

* Lunch: SCENE 11


*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Band – Trumpets, Trombones and percussion


TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA. Here are this week’s sports themed questions:

The Student Question is: What country invented volleyball?

The Staff Question is: How many kilometres long is a marathon?