Today is SILLY HAT DAY! Thank you to everyone who is participating in today’s spirit day! There will be some prizes to give out to some of the best silly hats! Make sure you are outside at nutrition break to possibly win!!
Garden club today. Meet Mr. Leblond in the Art Room at lunch before heading outside.
Swim Team, we will have a swim practice tomorrow. Even though it is a Pro-D Day we will still have practice 3:15-4:00 pm at Commonwealth.
Lego Gearbots is a competition to build and program a fully autonomous robotic device that can complete a number of themed missions in a set time period. Come to an information meeting today at lunch in the library to learn about participating on the Gearbots team. Today, you may bring your lunch.
From Ms. Goldman: Colquitz Hockey Family night is tonight! Warm-up is at 6:30;Puck drop at 7:00. If you arrive between 6:30 and 7:00, you will receive a raffle ticket to win prizes! If you have any questions, please see Ms. Goldman.
Cram the Cruiser! Donation boxes will be delivered to classrooms today as we officially kick off this important event that supports families in our community through Burnside Gorge Community Association. The Division that collects the most non-perishable food items, and new, unwrapped toys by Dec.12th will win a pizza party for their class. Thank you for your support!
Staff: Yesterday a discus was found on the field as was a bocce ball by students. As you can imagine this could have caused a lot of damage and harm. We also do not have the funds to replace equipment. Please make sure that equipment is accounted for after your PE. Programs depend on it.
Fine Arts
* 8:54am Band 6 (amber)
*10:33am Band 7
*Lunch Jazz Band
*Lunch: Any scenes needing review
*After school Run Act 2
No school tomorrow! But a FULL DRESS REHEARSAL ON SUNDAY!!!!!
IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA ANSWER TIME! Here were this week’s questions and their answers.
The Student Question was: What actress played the character of Hermione Granger in the ‘Harry Potter’ film series?
Answer: Emma Watson
Winners: Marcel in Div 15, Brie in Div 12 and Iyari in Div 6
The Staff Question was: What actor played the title character in the ‘Harry Potter’ film series?
Answer: Daniel Radcliffe
Winner: Ms. Steffens