November 17

Yearbook club is canceled today as Ms. Schuring is away.  


Reminder to all advisory staff to please review the yearbook cover design contest slide deck with your class and submit your voting sheet to Ms. Schuring’s mailbox by the end of the day today.  

Any students who were finishing their teddy bear tags for Santa’s anonymous, please make sure to bring them to the office as soon as possible. They are getting picked up today. 

This month’s spirit day is NEON DAY!  Find your brightest outfits! Neon day will be held on Friday November 24th.  The class with the greatest participation will win sunglasses for their whole class. 


Basketball News:

Girls 6 comp:  remember that you have a practice at 7:30 Tuesday morning as Monday is a Pro-D

Girls ⅞ comp practice at lunch today

Boys 7/8 comp  practice after school


TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA. Here were this week’s music themed questions. Great job Colquitz, you may have set a record for the most correct student and staff answers this week! Thanks to all those who entered!

Student question was: What singer named Bruno has the same last name as a planet?

Answer: Bruno Mars

Winners: Talia-Div.12, Grady-Div.14, Isha-Div. 23

Staff question: What is American rapper’s Marshall Mathers’ stage name?

Answer: Eminem

Winner: Mr. I

Next week will feature more music themed questions.


Fine Arts

*Lunch: Any final photos that need to be taken

​*1:04pm Beginner Strings

*1:44pm Intermediate/Advanced Strings 

​*Sunday rehearsal Nov. 19