November 08

Yearbook Club meets today after school in room 120. 


Lead the change is hosting a chip sale next Friday the 15th at  nutrition break and if we have any leftovers we’ll sell the rest at lunch. $2 a bag. All proceeds Will go to buying new sports equipment for our school. 


Basketball News:

-Grade 7/8 Girls Rec Basketball Practice today in the Gym at Lunch.

-Boys 6/7 comp practice after school today

-Grade ⅞ Boys Comp. and Rec. Team you have a practice next Tuesday afterschool. 

-Only 2 scorekeepers came to see Mrs. C yesterday.  If you are able to help out next week, let her know today.  Games are Tuesday and Wednesday after school.


Swim practice today after school. Make sure you are on deck and ready to swim for 3:15!


Staff:  a reminder that you are to hand out poppies just before the assembly.  Remind your students about behaviour expectations.  We request that hats not be worn into the assembly and please no gum.


Fine Arts

Remembrance Day Assembly. All Senior Choir and Senior Band students must wear full uniform.

Lunch: set up and run through in the gym.

Cadets, Guides, and Scouts wear full uniform.


Please remember place your garbage in the garbage cans when outside. Large amounts of garbage and uneaten food from the toast program and other snacks have been left outside lately.  Please help do your part to keep our school grounds clean. 


(Ms Schlappner) It’s Fri-Yay Time – Congratulations to all of the people who were nominated for Fri-yay by going and beyond in some way this week.  We can only draw one name per grade per week, but know you are all seen and appreciated.  This week’s winners are: (read off slips off paper: names, grades, divs and why nominated).Come to the office AFTER the announcements to pick up your prize! 


A reminder to all students that the Library Learning Commons is open for Drop-in book exchange from 2:30 until the end of the day everyday except for Wednesday. Students, please get permission from your teacher before coming. 


Our first official Battle of the Books meeting will be today at lunch for those who are not involved in the set-up for the Remembrance Day Ceremony. 


IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA ANSWER TIME! Here were this week’s questions and their answers.

The Student Question was: Which actor starred in the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ movies as Captain Jack Sparrow?

Answer: Johnny Depp 

Winners: There were over 100 correct answers this week! The winners are: Rafa in Div.11, Easton in Div.13, and Gurneet in Div. 15

The Staff Question was: What actress played Katniss Everdeen in ‘The Hunger Games’ film series?

Answer: Jennifer Lawrence

Winner: Ms. Bender in the office

Next week will feature another celebrity themed question created by our very own leadership students.