March 07

Indigenous Student Lunch – TODAY in the Home Ec Room. Bring a buddy! We hope you  join us for a pizza lunch and drumming in the Home Ec Room, starting at 11:57 TODAY.


Yearbook Club Meeting today after school in Ms. Schuring’s room

Interested in joining the Colquitz Mountain Bike Club? Our rides resume after Spring Break. Stay tuned for information regarding a meeting next week or see Mr. Leblond, Ms. Spies or Ms. Dixon if you have questions.

Thanks to all the players who signed up for badminton yesterday. Students who have not already completed athletics forms should complete the white code of conduct form and the pink athletics permission form. These are available on the bulletin board in the front foyer. Our first practice is next Thursday after school. See Mr. Leblond if you have questions.

Grade 7 mentorship group meets today in the Home Ec Room during block 6 at 1:44.

Next Tuesday lead the Change Club will be holding a treat sale at nutrition break and after school.  They will be selling packages of fuzzy peaches, cherry blasters, sour patch kids and peanut free twizzler gummies. Bring a toonie to purchase a sweet treat! 


Lead the Change Club students, please meet in Ms. Schuring’s room at nutrition break to help unload the candy.  


Next Thursday is dress like a teacher day!  Make your best effort to dress like a teacher!  Be the best dressed in your class and win a prize!  Maybe your teacher will give you their teacher chair for the day! 


Volleyball News:

Good luck to the grade 7 girls comp and the grade 8 girls comp in their tournament at Royal Bay this weekend.  Grade 8’s make sure you have let your teachers know that you are leaving at 2:20 today.  Grade 7’s- Mrs C will see you at Royal Bay by 9:30 latest on Saturday.  Kiet will be coaching you tonight.  


Boys ⅞ have their first playoff game on Monday, Blue team playing for first place in the league at Lansdowne.  White you are at home on Monday.  Come out and cheer them on!


Fine Arts

* 1:04pm Beginner strings

* 1:44pm Int/Adv strings

March 9 Sunday rehearsal for full cast 1:00 – 4:00pm

Attention all Gaga Ball Pit users:  From now until Spring Break, Grade 8s may only play Gaga Ball, or even be at the Gaga Ball Pit, at Nutrition BreakGrade 6s and 7s may play at Lunch recess only. 

Lost and Found: Please stop by and check out the table and clothing rack in the main foyer. Lots of items that need to be reunited with their owners. Any unclaimed items will be donated by Friday, March. 14th.


It’s Fri-Yay time!!! (Ms S)


IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA ANSWER TIME! Here were this week’s Food themed questions and their answers.

The Student Question was: What common hot dog condiment was used as medicine in the 1800’s? Some obvious choices were mustard, relish, and onions but the answer is…

Answer: Ketchup

Winners: Christina in Div.8, Alec in Div.9, and Talia in Div.14

The Staff Question was: What grocery store food is the most stolen? While Meat, Chocolate and baby formula are all frequently stolen, the most stolen item is…

Answer: Cheese

Winner: Ms. Scott