March 06

Attention Grade 8 volleyball players who are in the staff vs student game, please come see Ms Irving today or tomorrow to let them know who is on your team. 


Attention Students: For those who ride scooters to school, a reminder about rules:

    • You MUST wear a helmet when riding your scooter.  This is the same as a bike.  If you do not have a helmet, you are not allowed to ride it to school or on school property.
    • You should NOT ride them in the roundabout in front of the school or on sidewalks once you arrive at school.  The roundabout is a ROAD and cars are coming and going all day.  It is not safe to ride there.  It is also not safe on sidewalks because you may run into people.  You must park or hold on to your scooter once you arrive at school, and walk it into the school if that is where you store it.
  • If you are seen being unsafe with your scooter, your parents will have to come pick up you and your scooter from school.

Rugby rugby rugby- Rugby practice today at noon on the field behind the library. Please return your green forms to Ms. Irving ASAP. 

Interested in joining the Colquitz Mountain Bike Club? Our rides resume after Spring Break. Stay tuned for information regarding a meeting or see Mr. Leblond, Ms. Spies or Ms. Dixon if you have questions.

Badminton will be starting after Spring Break. Meet Mr. Leblond this Today at lunch recess in the Art room for information and to sign up.

Grade 7 mentorship group meets on Tomorrow, Friday in the Home Ec Room during block 6 at 1:44.

Attention all Gaga Ball Pit users:  From now until Spring Break, Grade 8s may only play Gaga Ball, or even be at the Gaga Ball Pit, at Nutrition BreakGrade 6s and 7s may play at Lunch recess only. 

Pizza, pizza, pizza –  Advisory teachers, please let your students know who has ordered.  A list was emailed out yesterday by Ms Cass. Students, please be ready at your classroom door with a paper towel in hand in alphabetical order and wait for a runner to take you to the pizza serving tables. Students in divisions 1-14, will go to the foyer and students in divisions 15-23 will go to the blue pod table. Students who have a lunch time activity can go straight to their table when the bell rings.

Volleyball News:

Congratulations to the girls 8 team who ended up being 5th out of 32 teams!  Outstanding.  The competition was so tough last night, 2 of the games went to 3rd sets.  A huge thank you to Aryya, Ella, Harrison, Tibi and Cami!  It was a long but exciting night!

As well, congratulations to our 7girls comp team who had a really strong season and improved exponentially over the season.  We can’t wait to see you out next year!

-Boys ⅞ have a practice after school today. Your first play off game is Monday. 

Indigenous Student Lunch – tomorrow in the Home Ec Room. We hope you  join us for a pizza lunch and drumming in the Home Ec Room, starting at 11:57 tomorrow.


Robotics team practice in the library at lunch today. Please arrive promptly.


Next Tuesday lead the Change Club will be holding a treat sale.  Bring a toonie to purchase a sweet treat! 

Next Thursday is SPIRIT DAY!!  Show your spirit by participating in Dress like a Teacher Day!   Will you don a beard like Mr. Arnott?  Heels and long earrings like Ms. Schlappner?  Or maybe you will add some artistic props and be the amazing Ms. Mackenzie!  

Clothing Drive! Community Action is collecting all sizes of clean, gently used clothing to donate to Burnside Gorge Community Association. Donations accepted in the bin in front of the office, now until March 14th. Thank you for your support!

LOST and FOUND: There is a HUGE amount of clothing at water bottles in the foyer. Please stop by and claim what is yours. 

Yearbook Club meets tomorrow after school in Ms. Schuring’s room 


Fine Arts

* 8:54am Band 6 (amber)

*10:33am Band 7

*Lunch Jazz Band

*Lunch: Dancers

*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Kathy and Don only