March 04

Rugby rugby rugby- Rugby practice tomorrow at noon on the field behind the library. Please return your green forms to Ms. Irving ASAP. 

Attention Grade 8 Volleyball Players! If you missed the meeting yesterday to learn about playing in the Staff vs. Student Volleyball game, head to Ms. Irving’s room (106) at nutrition break to get more information and sign up. 

-Congratulations to both ⅞ boys teams who played their last regular season game at home yesterday.  They were exciting matches and we didn’t know who to cheer for!  Stay tuned for the playoff schedule.

-Boys next practice is Thursday after school

-Thank you to Ella, Aryya, Alli, Cami and Tibi for scorekeeping.  You da best.

– We need 5 scorekeepers for Wednesday’s girls playoff game.  Please sign up on the sheet outside Mrs C’s room.  Just a heads up, this could be a longer night going past 6:00 as there is no time limit to each of the matches.  They play until they win.  


Tuesday and Thursday Eco and Outdoor Education push-in continues until Spring Break. Students in this exploratory should remain in their classrooms. Mr. Leblond will be coming to you.

Interested in joining the Colquitz Mountain Bike Club? Our rides resume after Spring Break. Stay tuned for information regarding a meeting or see Mr. Leblond, Ms. Spies or Ms. Dixon if you have questions.

Badminton will be starting after Spring Break. Listen for an announcement regarding a meeting and signing up  in the coming days.

Students with Indigenous ancestry, please meet in the library at silent reading today, for a brief check-in. Ms. Elford will see you at 12:45 for about 10 minutes!


Lead the change club today at 12:12 in Ms. Schuring’s room. 


Next Tuesday lead the Change Club will be holding a treat sale.  Bring a toonie to purchase a sweet treat!  

Attention all Gaga Ball Pit users:  From now until Spring Break, Grade 8s may only play Gaga Ball, or even be at the Gaga Ball Pit, at Nutrition BreakGrade 6s and 7s may play at Lunch recess only. 

Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 6 Band (amber)

* 10:33am Grade 8 Band

* 11:15am Grade 6 Band (green)

* Lunch * Kathy, Don, Cosmo “Good Morning” vocals with Ms. Thom

* After school Chorus Girls (no dancers)

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Band

Congratulations to all our choir students last night for an incredible concert!  You not only sounded amazing, but all the organizers commented on how well behaved you were and what an encouraging and awesome audience you were for the other performers.  Thank you all for your hard work and talent, very proud of you all!


IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA TIME! Here are this week’s Food themed questions. Good luck!

The Student Question is: What common hot dog condiment was used as medicine in the 1800’s?

The Staff Question is: What grocery store food is the most stolen?