January 9

Happy Silly Sock Day!  Thanks to everyone who is participating in today’s spirit day!  Our next spirit day will be on February 6th to celebrate our 100th day of school.  Dress like you are 100 years old on Feb 6th! 


Yearbook Club meeting tomorrow after school in Ms. Schuring’s room 


Have you ordered your yearbook yet?  If not, make sure to check the posters around the school for order information!  Order information is also sent out to families every week in the Colquitz Newsletter. 


Advisory teachers, If you still have your candy gram bag or bucket in your classroom, can you please return it to Ms. Schuring.  We are still missing 6 bags and would like to reuse them next year. 


Students interested in planning ideas for Black Excellence Day on January 15th (which is next Wednesday), Black History Month in February and are interested in how to center a larger variety of cultures and ethnicities in our school community more consistently throughout the year.  Please join us in the ART ROOM TOMORROW (Friday), at lunch to make posters.  Bring your lunch!


Speaking of Black Excellence Day, it is an opportunity to celebrate the joy, resilience, contributions, and achievements of Black People around the world. We want to honour the history and narratives of the past while uplifting and supporting the voices of our futures.  As a way of showing your support, please wear black on next Wednesday, January 15th.


Swim team starts up again tomorrow. See you on the pool deck at 3:15. 


Lego Robotics club meets today at lunchtime in the library. Please arrive promptly so we may get started. You may pick up your pizza with the band students. 


Volleyball News:

-boys ⅞ volleyball practice after school today

-Kiet’s ⅞ girls team practices tomorrow at 7:00am

-Lisa’s gr 8  team practices after school tomorrow at 3:00


Old basketball news:

Still a lot of jerseys missing.  Please, please get them in right away.  We have a lot of volleyball players needing jerseys.  Even if you plan on playing volleyball and think you can just hang onto the jersey, please hand it in.

Boys who played basketball for Jesse and Jen need to come to room 129, Mrs C’s room at NB today.  


Do you want to brighten someone’s day? You can! If you bring in items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, band aids, granola bars or bus tickets, someone’s day will get a little better. Lead the Change is collecting items for our Survival Socks initiative. We will be stuffing warm socks with toiletry and other small items and delivering the socks to people in need. Don’t worry if you don’t know what to bring, there will be a list posted in all the classrooms of items that are needed most to build the survival socks. We will be collecting donations until Tuesday January 28th. Thank you for helping us help our community! 


Indigenous Student Lunch – TOMORROW in the Home Ec Room. Those students with Indigenous ancestry are welcome to join us for a pizza lunch in the Home Ec Room, starting at 11:57 TOMORROW.


Fine Arts

* 8:54am Band 6 (amber)

*10:33am Band 7

*Lunch Jazz Band


Reminder to Div. 22, 2, 4, 7 and 21 to bring all the library books you have signed out to your library block today to be renewed or returned.