Happy Lunar New Year, and the Year of the Snake everyone! The positive qualities associated with the snake include resilience, creativity, and adaptability, and thus an ability to overcome various obstacles or challenges. Individuals born in this year may also possess keen intelligence and good intuition.
Grade 7 mentorship group meets today at the beginning of silent reading. Meet in the Art Room after recess as we are going to the Flipside tomorrow.
Celebrate the 100th day of school on February 6th by dressing like you’re 100 and you could win a prize.
Volleyball News:
Congratulations to the grade 6 girls on some big wins in their first jamboree yesterday! You really came together as a team, cheered each other on and played great! Thank you also to everyone who came out and helped scorekeep and line! We couldn’t do it without you! Grade 6 girls, you have a practice today at lunch.
Mr Browns grade ⅞ girls volleyball team you have a meeting at nut. Break in room 108, amber pod to confirm rides to todays game.
-Thank you to Alli and Harrison who were our gr 8 scorekeeping mentors last night! You did a great job. We are in need of one more scorekeeper for tonight’s game. Boys-remember that you cannot have a game without scorekeepers either so this is your opportunity to help out since you do not have practice today.
-Good luck to all the grade 7 and 8 girls playing today after school. There are 2 away games and a home game.
Reminder to students in the “Culture Club” helping to plan the Black History Month assembly, we are meeting in the Home Ec Room at lunch. Anyone is welcome!
The Colquitz Rainbow club will meet today at lunch in the Library!
Pizza, pizza, pizza – Just a reminder about pizza lunch tomorrow!!
Order your yearbook! Order information is emailed to parents in the weekly newsletter and can also be found on the posters around the school.
Staff, please add your images to the collaboration drive. Please make sure you are not adding images to the files that are titled “Already Uploaded”
Fine Arts
* 9:36am Grade 8 Band
* 10:33am Grade 6 Band (green)
* 11:15am Grade 7 Band
*Lunch Don, Kathy, Cosmo, Lina
*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Don & Cosmo music
*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Band
Attention all current grade 8 students who will be attending Spectrum in September. Did you know that Spectrum has a Junior Varsity football team? This is for all students that will be in grade 9 and 10 for the following school year in September but they start as soon as May for their spring camp. The season runs from August 15 until December. There are two positives about this opportunity: 1) you don’t need any experience 2) it is a great way to feel connected to a brand-new school immediately. Anyone interested please sign up in the office. The football staff will follow up by the end of February. Go Coho!! Go Thunder!!