January 24

Tomorrow is Twin Day!  Dress up in matching clothes with your friends and have Colquitz seeing double!  Twins, triplets and large groups are all encouraged. 

Volleyball News:

  • There will be an important meeting for Ms. Irving’s Grade ⅞ volleyball team today at nutrition break in in Ms. Irving’s Room 106 in Amber Pod 
  • Boys 6/7 rec practice in the gym today at lunch
  • Boys ⅞ comp practice in the gym after school today
  • Good luck to the ⅞ girls comp team who are playing at Lansdowne today
  • Scrimmage between the ⅞ girls rec teams Thursday at lunch
  • We still need some scorekeepers.  This is open to all students and staff.  It requires 8 people per game day due to two matches being played at the same time.  If you were unable to attend the meeting on Monday, come see Mrs. C.  There will be a triple ball scoring and lining practice at lunch Thursday while the scrimmage is going on. Please come down as soon as you have eaten your pizza. If you picked up a scorekeeping schedule, please show your availability to Mrs C as soon as possible. Our first home game is in one week!

Please donate to the Survival Socks initiative. We will be stuffing warm socks with toiletry and other small items and delivering the socks to people in need. Don’t worry if you don’t know what to bring, there’s a list in all the classrooms of items that are needed most to build the survival socks. We will be collecting donations until January 30th. Donation boxes are located in the halls outside of classrooms. Thank you for helping us help our community! 

Fine Arts – Tour students – check the list on the music room door to see if you are missing your medical form and get it handed in ASAP

*10:34am Band 7
*11:15am Band 6 amber team
*Lunch Jazz Band
*Lunch Solo Singing Audition
* After school: Speaking auditions in the drama room 3:00 – 4:30 pm
*7:40 am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Saxophones


The following holds are ready to be picked up in the library Hayden div 18, Allison Div 7, Gabe div 7, Eden Div 5, Aaron div 7 Mattas div 2, Cali Brooks Div 10

What do you call a pile of cats? A meow-tain!!! Thats a knee slapper ( now my knee hurts HAHAHAHAHA)