January 23

This Thursday, January 25th is Twin Day!  Dress up in matching clothes with your friends and have Colquitz seeing double!  Twins, triplets and large groups are all encouraged. 


Lead the Change is collecting items for our Survival Socks initiative. We will be stuffing warm socks with toiletry and other small items and delivering the socks to people in need. Don’t worry if you don’t know what to bring, there’s a list in all the classrooms of items that are needed most to build the survival socks. We will be collecting donations until January 30th. Thank you for helping us help our community! 

Lead the Change Club meets today at lunch in the library 

Popcorn, Popcorn – get your popcorn in the foyer at lunch.  $3 per bag, five flavours to choose from

Volleyball News:

  • Mr. Brown ⅞ Rec Girls meeting at Nutrition Break in the gym at Recess today
  • Boys 6/7 rec today at lunch
  • Girls 7 triple ball comp after school today and tomorrow morning at 7:30
  • Mr. Browns 7/8  Rec Girls Volleyball practice Wednesday at lunch
  • Mr. Browns ⅞ Rec Girls Volleyball & Ms. Irving’s ⅞ Rec Girls Volleyball will have a game Thursday at Lunch.

Fine Arts – Mrs. M is still waiting for tour medical and code of conduct forms.  Get them in please.
*10:34am Band 6 amber team
*11:15am Band 6 green team
*Lunch Solo Singing Audition
*1:04pm Band 8
* After school: Speaking auditions in the drama room 3:00 – 4:30pm
*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade 6 Choir and Grade 7 Band


TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA. Here are this week’s TV show themed questions. Good Luck!
Student Question: What TV show features a police chief named Chief Clancy Wiggum?
Staff Question: What early 90’s TV show features a Bayside High School principal named Mr. Belding?