January 17

Twin day is coming up on January 25th!  Get a friend or group of friends and dress up the same!  Twins, triplets or large groups are all welcome!  


Volleyball News:

  • Boys 6/7 practice at lunch today and Wednesday at lunch with Ms. Steffens
  • 7 practice at lunch today with Ms. Steffens
  • Boys ⅞ comp practice after school today.  Stay tuned for an announcement if the weather worsens.
  • Practice tomorrow at lunch for ⅞ rec girls with Ms. Irving
  • Practice tomorrow after school for boys ⅞ comp  with Mr. Robillard

Do you want to brighten someone’s day? You can! If you bring in items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, band aids, granola bars or bus tickets, someone’s day will get a little better. Lead the Change is collecting items for our Surivival Socks initiative. We will be stuffing warm socks with toiletry and other small items and delivering the socks to people in need. Don’t worry if you don’t know what to bring, there’s a list in all the classrooms of items that are needed most to build the survival socks. We will be collecting donations until January 30th. Thank you for helping us help our community! 


Fine Arts – Please bring in the tour forms to the office or to Mrs. Montgomery and start thinking about who you would like your room buddy to be for tour.  Make sure to make your second tour payment this week please.

*10:34am Band 7

*11:15am Band 6 amber team

*Lunch Jazz Band

**Lunch Group Singing Placement Session 1 (all students must complete one of these sessions unless you are Crew or Dancing only)

* After school: Speaking auditions in the drama room 3:00 – 4:30pm

*7:40 am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Clarinets


Here is Ms Schlappner with an important announcement:

Snow can be fun, but it can also be dangerous.  We need to play safely in the snow.  We will have a designated area indicated by orange cones on the back field which will be the snowball area.  You may not throw snow or snowballs anywhere else.  If you enter this area, know you are inviting snowballs to be thrown at you, so only enter if you are prepared for that.  Even though snowball throwing will be allowed here, we still need to be as safe as possible by not throwing hard at close range, aiming for the body or legs, not the head, and no “face washes” or shoving snow directly on others. If supervisors feel you are being unsafe for any reason, you will be asked to leave the area. If you do not listen, you will be sent to the office. If we all play in a kind, safe, and respectful way, people will be able to enjoy the snow, not get hurt by it.  Your cooperation is appreciated.