February 07

Indigenous Student Lunch – TODAY in the Home Ec Room. Those students with Indigenous ancestry are welcome to join us for a pizza lunch in the Home Ec Room, starting at 11:57 TODAY.


Lead the Change Club please meet in the library at lunch today to stuff the survival socks. There will not be a Book Battle meeting today. All members of the Book Battle team, please check the Google classroom for updates. 


Today, there will be NO SNOWBALL ZONE, which means NO ONE is allowed to throw snowballs at anyone, anywhere, at all.  If you are seen doing so, you will be speaking with Ms Elford.  The snow has turned to ice and it is simply too dangerous to throw it, even in a friendly way.  Please be respectful of this to be safe, and find other ways to have fun together in the snow.




Yearbook Club Meeting today after school in Ms. Schuring’s room.  


Grade 8 Mentorship group, please meet Mr. Leblond in the Art Room at the beginning of silent reading today as we will be going to the Flipside at Pearkes.

Push in starts today for Eco and Outdoor Education. Please stay in your class and Mr. Leblond will come to you.


Thank you to all the staff who have been adding photos to the yearbook folders!  If you teach an exploratory or fine arts class or lead a club or team, please also try to take and upload photos. 


Attention all current grade 8 students who will be attending Spectrum in September. Did you know that Spectrum has a Junior Varsity football team? This is for all students that will be in grade 9 and 10 for the following school year in September but they start as soon as May for their spring camp. The season runs from August 15 until December. There are two positives about this opportunity: 1) you don’t need any experience 2) it is a great way to feel connected to a brand-new school immediately. Anyone interested please sign up in the office. The football staff will follow up by the end of February. Go Coho!! Go Thunder!!


Fine Arts

* 1:04pm Beginner strings

* 1:44pm Int/Adv strings

* If you have not yet picked up your script for the musical please see Ms. Mackenzie today so you can start learning your lines! (and get a rehearsal calendar)

*Sunday rehearsal this weekend for Don, Kathy, and Cosmo only,  no other characters are called for this.


IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA ANSWER TIME! Here were this week’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter themed questions and their answers! 

The Student Question was: What animal is Harry Potter’s patronus?

Answer: A Stag

Winners: Isabella in Div.5, Erich in Div.9, and Pluto in Div.12

The Staff Question was: What animal is Severus Snape’s patronus?

Answer: A doe

Winner: Ms. James


Could the following classes bring all their signed out books to their library block today: Div.5, Div.13, Div.1 and Div.20.