February 28

Thank you so much to all the Colquitz staff and students who made paper t-shirts and are wearing pink today to raise awareness of the issue of bullying and take a stand against it. This visual act of wearing pink is a great way to show you are against bullying. However, it’s important that we all stand up against any kind of bullying every day, all year long! Thanks for helping make our school and world a better place Colquitz! 

Volleyball News:

  • Irving’s grade ⅞ girls volleyball team plays their final jamboree here at Colquitz today afterschool. Come cheer them on! Scorekeepers are: Benji, Augustine, Bryss and we could use one more!
  • Good luck to Mr Brown’s ⅞ girls team and to the ⅞ comp team who are also playing after school.  This is the first round of playoffs for the ⅞ comp team.  Gooooooo Colquitz!
  • Congratulations to the 7 girls comp triple ball team who played last night.  They had some great returns and set plays.
  • Reminder that practice is tomorrow morning at 7 for ⅞ comp and 6 girls rather than Friday. Repeat to grade 6 girls who may be finding this out just now.  Practice is tomorrow am, not Friday.

Fine Arts

*10:34am Band 7

*11:15am Band 6 amber team

*Lunch Jazz Band

*Lunch Stage crew meeting

*Enrichment from 1:45- 2:45 Castle characters choreo

* After school: Village characters (all) continue “Belle”

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Trumpets, Trombones and Electric Bass

*Nutrition Break: Could the Grade 8 students attending the dress rehearsal for School of Rock tonight please meet briefly in the Drama room at Nutrition Break today to confirm attendance and go over details.