February 21

Hey everyone – we will be hosting a BLACK HISTORY MONTH MOVIE AFTERNOON after school on Thursday, February 27th in the Band Room.  Bring a blanket and a friend! Concession of chips and bubbly will be on sale.  Looking forward to seeing you there!


According to the Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth, bullying remains a significant issue for Canadian youth. 71% of youth between 12 and 17 years old disclosed facing at least one instance of bullying over the past year.  Help cultivate a community of kindness at Colquitz by using kind words and actions. You can also show your support by wearing pink next Wednesday. 


Advisory teachers, please put your completed pink shirts in the copy room by 11:45 for leadership students to hang up.  


CC Day Reminders – for those that are staying you will take your backpacks to your location at 11:45, before heading outside for a 30 minute lunch recess. You will come back and eat lunch at your location at 12:15 when you begin your CC Day work. Grade 6s are in the cafe, Grade 7s in Red Pod foyer, Grade 8s in library – unless otherwise specified.


The lunch program is running today for those who usually participate – even if you are NOT staying for CC Day. Please pick up your lunch at the canteen at 11:45.


Volleyball News:

Good luck to the teams playing in the tournament this weekend!  Victoria Johnston please see Mrs C.  Boys who need to pay their $5.50 to Mrs C are Matt and Carter, 


Swimmers, we still have practice after school today! See you at the pool at 3:15.


Leadership students, please meet in the foyer at 11:45 to hang up shirts. 


Fine Arts



IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA ANSWER TIME! Here were this week’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter themed questions and their answers.

The Student Question was: What creature lives in the Chamber of Secrets?

Answer: A basilisk

Winners: Stella in Div.13, Ewen in Div.15 and Cooper in Div. 17

The Staff Question was: What kind of pet creature does Hagrid name Norbert?

Answer: Dragon (Norwegian Ridgeback)

Winner: Ms. Irving

Next week will feature our final Wizarding World of Harry Potter questions.


All students that volunteer in the library in the mornings before school please meet Ms. Patten in the library at nut break today for a treat – Timbits!