February 06

HAPPY 100th DAY OF SCHOOL!! If you are dressed like you are 100, come to the foyer at nutrition break to enter to win an awesome prize and get your photo taken!  There will be a grade 6, 7, 8 and staff prize drawn.  

Regarding the snow at breaks: First: Ms Schlappner is away this morning, so the winner of the snow sculpture contest will be announced at lunch.

Regarding snowballs, they can ONLY be thrown on the side field in the special, coned-off zone.  You cannot enter the zone and throw balls at people, then step outside the zone and say you’re off limits. If you choose to engage, you’re in.  However, there should be NO GANGING UP on people and NO THROWING ICEBE AWARE THAT THE SNOW MAY BE EVEN MORE ICY AND HARD today, so CHOOSE VERY CAREFULLY around if you want to engage or not today.  We want people to PLAY SAFE and HAVE FUN.  If you do not want to be hit with snowballs, stay FAR AWAY from this zone.  If you are seen throwing them in other areas, especially at unsuspecting people, you will be sent to talk to Ms Schlappner and Ms Elford.

Students in the Outdoor Education exploratory are to come to the Art Room today and for the first three weeks of this rotation. Be sure to bring a pencil to class with you.

Volleyball News:

-Mr. Brown’s grade ⅞ girls volleyball team you have a practice at lunch time today.

-Boys ⅞ comp have a practice after school today

-Girls comp teams had some tough competition last night but persevered.  A great learning opportunity.  Congratulations on well played sets and your continued enthusiasm.

Girls 7 comp have a practice tomorrow morning

Girls 8 comp have a practice Friday after school

Robotics club meets today in the library. Robotic engineers, today we are going to start working with the robots right away so have a quick bite to eat and save the rest to eat during silent reading. Collect your pizza at the beginning of lunch with the band students. We are only a few weeks away from the competition at Camosun!

Pizza, pizza, pizza –  Advisory teachers, please let your students know who has ordered.  A list was emailed out yesterday by Ms Cass. Students, please be ready at your classroom door with a paper towel in hand in alphabetical order and wait for a runner to take you to the pizza serving tables. Students in divisions 1-14, will go to the foyer and students in divisions 15-23 will go to the blue pod table. Students who have a lunch time activity can go straight to their table when the bell rings.

Attention all current grade 8 students who will be attending Spectrum in September. Did you know that Spectrum has a Junior Varsity football team? This is for all students that will be in grade 9 and 10 for the following school year in September but they start as soon as May for their spring camp. The season runs from August 15 until December. There are two positives about this opportunity: 1) you don’t need any experience 2) it is a great way to feel connected to a brand-new school immediately. Anyone interested please sign up in the office. The football staff will follow up by the end of February. Go Coho!! Go Thunder!!

Grade 8 mentorship group will meet in the Art Room tomorrow at the beginning of silent reading to go to the Flip Side at Pearkes.

Indigenous Student Lunch – TOMORROW in the Home Ec Room. Those students with Indigenous ancestry are welcome to join us for a pizza lunch in the Home Ec Room, starting at 11:57 TOMORROW.

Could the following classes bring all their signed out books to their library block today: Div.22, Div.2, Div.4, Div.7 and Div.21

Fine Arts

* 8:54am Band 6 (amber)

*10:33am Band 7

*Lunch Jazz Band

*Lunch: Dancers

*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Kathy & Don music

Reminder to all students who regularly come on Tuesdays for book exchange, the library is open for drop-in exchange from 2:30 onwards today and tomorrow.