December 8

Volleyball news:

-Final cuts were made this morning for ⅞ girls comp.  Please check the new list on the athletic board for your name at NB.

-Boys ⅞ competive practice today after school.

-Volleyball meeting for all Players who are not on the competitive teams. In Gym at eating time. See Mrs. Cappus for questions. You must attend if you would still like to play volleyball.

Reminder to all yearbook club students. Yearbook club meeting has been canceled this week.  

Yearbooks are on sale now!  Yearbooks will include 60 full colour pages of classes and events from the year.  Orders can be placed online and cost only $23.  Make sure to check the posters around the school for our unique order ID.  This ID is required to complete your online order.  


Only 6 more days until we Cram the Cruiser at Colquitz! Please bring new, unwrapped toys and non-perishable foods to your classroom by next Thursday. The division with the most items will win a pizza party!


Fine Arts – Tomorrow afternoon is Tuba Christmas in Market Square at 1 pm.  Come and support the 7 Colquitz students who are participating and Santa’s Anonymous

​*1:04pm Beginner Strings

*1:44pm Intermediate/Advanced Strings

*Cast party for the Fall Play after school


TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA! Here were this week’s holiday themed questions.

Student Question was:How many days long is Hanukkah?

Answer:8 days

Winners:Elliott-Div.3, Payton-Div.13, Kaira-Div.20

Staff Question was:What is the name of the Iranian festival that occurs on the longest and darkest night of the year?

Answer: Yalda

Winner:No winners this time


Stay tuned for another holiday themed question next week.