December 12

Who wants to win a pizza party for their class? Only 2 more days until we Cram the Cruiser at Colquitz! The division with the most items will win a pizza party!

There is no one who is a clear leader at the moment, but Ms. Albach’s and Ms. Schuring’s classes are close! Please bring new, unwrapped toys and non-perishable foods to your classroom by Thursday.

Candy grams go on sale tomorrow in the foyer! Send your friend a candy gram and a special note. Write your name or leave it a mystery!  Candy grams cost $0.25 each and will be sold at lunch time in the foyer. Please make sure you know your friend’s division and you bring your own pencil. 

Volleyball news:

  • Thursday morning practice for all grade 7 girls from 7:30-8:30. 
  • Friday am practice for 6/7 girls
  • Friday after school practice for ⅞ boys comp

We still have some jerseys lingering out there.  Please get them to your coaches pronto please

Leadership club today at lunch in the library. Please bring scissors and colours. 

TRIVIA, TRIVIA, TRIVIA: Here are this week’s holiday themed Trivia questions:

Student Question: Where does the Polar Express take children?

Staff Question: What professional sports league has played a game on December 25 almost every year since 1947?

Fine Arts -Grade 7 Band, please come to the  music room at 12:15 with your instruments for a run-through.  

*10:34am Band 6 amber team

*11:15am Band 6 green team

*1:04pm Band 8

*7:00pm CONCERT NIGHT #1 (Band): All Grade 6, 7, and 8 Band students, as well as Jazz Band.  Bake sale items appreciated, as well as any donations for the Cram the Cruiser event.  Students should arrive in full uniform at 6:30 to the music room.

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade 6 Choir and our school highlights concert as well as Choir and Strings concert prep!  There is NO Band 7 on Wednesday morning

NO POPCORN THIS WEEK – We’ll resume sales in January.