April 12

Blue Pod will be selling candy bags next Tuesday at nutrition break for $2.  All proceeds will be donated to The Kids Run on May 5th. This money will help children on Vancouver Island who are battling cancer.


Any grade 8 volleyball player who missed yesterdays meeting and wants to play in a staff vs student game next Thursday at lunch, go to Ms. Irving’s room -106-at nut break. 


Volleyball reminder: Mr. Brown will have an Volleyball practice Monday morning 7am


Yearbook club meets today after school until 4pm. 


Rugby rugby rugby- Practice Monday afterschool on the library field. Bring your cleats and mouthguards. No mouthguards, no play.


Badminton players, please remember to hand in your pink athletics forms to Mr. Leblond. Avery G. please return the number 11 jersey. Also, our next practice is Tuesday morning before school at 7 am and our next games will be played here on Wednesday after school.


Make sure to order your yearbook!  Order information will be emailed home to all families in today’s newsletter.  Remind your parents to order one if you have not yet done so! 


Track and Field Fun:

  • There will be a High Jump practice for all interested GRADE 8 Students today at lunch in the gym. Please bring appropriate footwear and clothing. This practice is for competitors only, not spectators.
  • There is a long jump practice for 6/7’s starting at 12:00
  • Monday lunch will be shotput and discus practice inside the track by the library.


Fine Arts

*Lunch Narrators

*1:04pm Beginner Strings

*1:44pm Intermediate/Advanced Strings 

Sunday Rehearsal April 14 for all Village cast  1:00 – 4:00pm


It is TUESDAY TRIVIA Answer Time! Here were this week’s Quidditch themed questions.

Student Question: How many players are on a Quidditch team?

Answer: 7

Winners:Nate in Div:3, John in Div.7, Nate in Div. 13 

Staff Question: What is Harry Potter’s Quidditch jersey number?

Answer: 7

Winner: Mrs. Harvie


Why do ghosts like elevators? Because it really lifts their spirits