September 13


Rugby rugby rugby- touch rugby practice Thursday at 12. Please meet Ms. Irving and Ms. D by the outside gym doors and bring your pink forms if you haven’t already handed them in 

X-country today at 12:00.  Please meet in the foyer in your running clothes at 12:00.

Anyone in Grade 6, 7 and 8 who is interested in playing Ultimate Frisbee is invited to come to the Art Room for a brief meeting with Mr L. at lunch recess. 

If you were in Ms. Scott’s class last year and would like your class photo, please stop by room 107 at nutrition break or after school.


Fine Arts

*10:34am Band 7 

*11:15am Band 6 amber team bring pencil crayons today!

*Lunch Jazz Band

* Lunch Auditions for the Fall Play continue! (bring your lunch with you!)

*note no after school auditions today due to staff meeting

Sorry for the Grade 7 band members that showed up for early morning band.  Your first early morning is next week on Wednesday.  Please check my website for the schedule.

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir