March 13

Pizza, pizza, pizza –  Advisory teachers, please let your students know who has ordered.  A list was emailed out yesterday by Ms Cass. Students, please be ready at your classroom door with a paper towel in hand in alphabetical order and wait for a runner to take you to the pizza serving tables. Students in divisions 1-14, will go to the foyer and students in divisions 15-23 will go to the blue pod table. Students who have a lunch time activity can go straight to their table when the bell rings.

Rugby rugby rugby- rugby practice today at lunch eating time on the back library field.

Any students interested in playing badminton and who did not sign up last week should see Mr. Leblond to sign up. Our first Badminton practice is today after school from 3-4:30. Students who have not already signed a white code of conduct or a pink athletics permission form should get one from the athletics board in the front foyer and return it to Mr. Leblond as soon as possible.

Lead the Change Club would like to thank everyone who is participating in dress like a teacher Day!  We love that some of the staff are also dressing like students!  Advisory teachers, tea and cookies will be delivered to your class today for the student with the best teacher look!  Each class can decide how they would like to determine the winner.  Please join us in the foyer for a photo at nutrition break if you are dressed up! 

No mentorship group this week with Mr. LeBlond due to Wednesday’s concert and Friday’s grade 8 dance. Mentorship groups will resume after Spring Break.

Reminder once more for Grade 8 students – Please hand in your Grade 9 Course Selection Forms to your teacher or the office TODAY.  Note that there are separate piles for Spectrum and all other schools. 

Robotics team practice in the library at lunch today. Please arrive promptly.


Yearbook Club meets tomorrow in Ms. Schurings room.  Thank you so much to all of the staff who have been adding photos! Our files are looking great! 

Lost and Found: Please stop by and check out the table and clothing rack in the main foyer. Lots of items that need to be reunited with their owners. Any unclaimed items will be donated tomorrow.

Fine Arts

* 8:54am Band 6 (amber)

*10:33am Band 7

*Lunch Jazz Band

*Lunch: Dancers

*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Lina and Chorus Girls “What’s Wrong With Me?” rehearsal