Lost and Found: Please stop by and check out the table and clothing rack in the main foyer. Lots of items that need to be reunited with their owners. Any unclaimed items will be donated by Friday, March. 14th.
No mentorship group this week with Mr. LeBlond due to Wednesday’s concert and Friday’s grade 8 dance. Mentorship groups will resume after Spring Break.
Reminder once more for Grade 8 students – Please hand in your Grade 9 Course Selection Forms to your teacher or the office TODAY. Note that there are separate piles for Spectrum and all other schools.
Rugby rugby rugby- rugby practice Wed and Thurs at lunch eating time on the back library field.
Lead the Change Club will be holding a treat sale TODAY at nutrition break and after school. They will be selling packages of fuzzy peaches, cherry blasters, sour patch kids and peanut free twizzler gummies. Bring a toonie to purchase a sweet treat! Leadership students who are selling treats, please ask your teacher if you can be dismissed 5 minutes early to so we can be ready for customers.
Selling today are:
Bronwyn, Erich, Ben, Penny and Lily at nutrition break
Allison, Isla, Isla, and Julia after school
Any students interested in playing badminton and who did not sign up last week, should see Mr. Leblond this week to sign up. Our first Badminton practice is this Thursday after school from 3-4:30. Students who have not already signed a white code of conduct or a pink athletics permission form should get one from the athletics board in the front foyer and return it to Mr. Leblond as soon as possible.
Mountain bike club resumes after Spring Break. Students interested in participating should attend a meeting Wednesday at lunch recess.
Volleyball News:
Congratulations to both boys teams who played their playoff games last night. Our blue team ended up in 4th place overall out of 19 teams and our white team was in the middle of the pack. A huge shout out to our scorekeepers: Ella, Aryya, Bri, Cami, Ali, Tibi, Gurneet, Gracie and Colton. And it was a fun post game rally as well! A final note to all volleyball players: What an extraordinary season it has been! This year, we’ve not only played with passion and skill, but you have shown true meaning of teamwork, resilience, and positivity. You gave it your all at the tournaments, and it was truly a joy to watch. We’ve seen players rise to new challenges and support each other through highs and lows. Let’s carry this positive energy and momentum into next season. All players should find a way to thank your coaches. That is a lot of time out of their busy schedules.
Thank you for your dedication, scorekeepers. We could not have had such a successful season without you!
The World Cup Soccer Festival is being held this April, over the Easter weekend. Registration is now open. The school with the greatest participation will win $1000 for their school!!
Yearbooks are on sale now! Make sure to get yours!
Fine Arts
* 9:36am Grade 6 Band (amber)
* 10:33am Grade 8 Band
* 11:15am Grade 6 Band (green)
* Lunch * Kathy and Don soloist vocals with Ms. Thom
* After school Moses Supposes (Dinsmore, students)
*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Band
IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA TIME! Here are this week’s Food themed questions. Good luck!
The Student Question is: What month is national ice cream month? – You have a 1 in 12 chance of getting this one correct!
The Staff Question is: What fast food restaurant was founded in 1940 and featured bar-b-q sandwiches?