March 05

Attention Students: Based on input from our student meeting in December with the Board of Education, we are going to try putting paper towels back in the student washrooms.  The reason they were taken away was misuse of them – wetting them and throwing them on the ceiling, clogging toilets, and more.  If that happens again, they will be taken away again, so please use the privilege of having them responsibly so everyone can use them and enjoy them.  Thanks!

LOST AND FOUND: There have been about 15 new hoodies added to the lost and found this morning. If you left a hoodie in the gym in the past week, please check out the Lost and Found next to the library. There are also a lot of water bottles that need to be reunited with their owners!

Rugby rugby rugby- Rugby practice today and tomorrow at noon on the field behind the library. Please return your green forms to Ms. Irving ASAP. 

Interested in joining the Colquitz Mountain Bike Club? Our rides resume after Spring Break. Stay tuned for information regarding a meeting or see Mr. Leblond, Ms. Spies or Ms. Dixon if you have questions.

Badminton will be starting after Spring Break. Meet Mr. Leblond this Thursday at lunch recess in the Art room for information and to sign up.

Grade 7 mentorship group meets on Friday in the Home Ec Room during block 6 at 1:44.

The Colquitz Rainbow club will meet today at lunch in the Library!

Clothing Drive! Community Action is collecting all sizes of clean, gently used clothing to donate to Burnside Gorge Community Association. Donations accepted in the bin in front of the office, now until March 14th. Thank you for your support!


Pizza, pizza, pizza – Just a reminder about pizza lunch tomorrow!!

Next Tuesday lead the Change Club will be holding a treat sale.  Bring a toonie to purchase a sweet treat! 


Volleyball News:


-If you have a jersey, please only give it to your coach.  DO NOT hand it to a random staff member.  DO NOT drop it off at the office.  DO NOT leave it in the gym.  DO NOT just put it on Mrs C’s desk.  DO hand it to your coach.   Girls- you need your jerseys for the Royal Bay tournament so hang on to them.

-Good luck to the girls 7 team and the Girls 8 team who are in their final round of playoffs today after school.  Come cheer the grade 8 team on!

-We still need 3 more scorekeepers.  Remember boys, you have a playoff game next week and will need scorekeepers too.  Get in the gym and help out.

-7 girls- remember you have practice Thursday morning this week.

-girls 8 comp- remember to let your teachers know that you will be leaving 2:20 on Friday.


Next Thursday is dress like a teacher day.  Start thinking of what you are going to wear!  

Attention all Gaga Ball Pit users:  From now until Spring Break, Grade 8s may only play Gaga Ball, or even be at the Gaga Ball Pit, at Nutrition BreakGrade 6s and 7s may play at Lunch recess only. 

Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 8 Band

* 10:33am Grade 6 Band (green)

* 11:15am Grade 7 Band

*1:45 – 4:00pm Final pullout for the term. Theatre Pullout opening scene and “Fit as a Fiddle” Norman Bailey, various “stars” Ensemble of fans and customers