February 28

Today is the first day of Ramadan, which lasts for four weeks. Ramadan is a special time celebrated by many people, including some of our friends and classmates. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset as a time for reflection and giving to those in need. Families and friends gather for special meals called iftars each evening! If you have friends who are fasting this month, they may be a little more tired than usual, so please be kind and patient with them.  If you’re curious to learn more, let your teachers know!


Attention TRINA. Your volleyball has been retrieved from the roof and is waiting for you in the office!


Rugby rugby rugby-Any student who is interested in playing tackle rugby this season and missed yesterday’s meeting, please meet in Ms. Irving’s room- 106 in Amber Pod at nutrition break today.

Rueda dancers, please meet Ms. Dong and Mr. Dhillon at the gym after the lunch bell. Let’s have some fun dancing with friends together! Please make sure you don’t bring any food to the gym.

Volleyball News:

-Congratulations to the grade 6 tripleball team who played fantastically in their final jamboree of the season last night! Your coach and parents are so impressed with all of your improvement over the season. 

-Boys ⅞ you have a practice after school today

-We need one more scorekeeper for the Boys game on Monday.  It should be exciting as we have Colquitz vs Colquitz.  Come out and cheer them on!

Today is the last swim practice of the year, we hope to see you all there! Good luck to you all at your final  swim meet this Sunday!

A reminder that the Library is closed today. It will be open at Nut break as usual. 


Yearbook club meeting in Ms. Schuring’s room afterschool. 


Grade 8 Mentorship group meets with Mr. Leblond today in the Home Ec Room during block 6 at 1:44. See you there.


The Colquitz Mountain Bike club will resume rides after Spring Break. If you didn’t participate in rides in the fall and are interested in joining the club, please listen for more information in next week’s announcements regarding a meeting. If you have questions about the club, you can talk to Mr. Leblond, Ms. Spies or Ms. Dixon.


Fine Arts

*Lunch All choir students attending Victoria Sings rehearsal.  This is critical as it is the only time we can rehearse with all grade 6-8 students attending before our performance on Monday.

* 1:04pm Beginner strings

* 1:44pm Int/Adv strings


IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA ANSWER TIME! Here were this week’s FINAL Wizarding World of Harry Potter themed questions and their answers. Thanks to Lily for creating them this month – and delivering the prizes every week!

The Student Question was: What 2, one word spells turn on and off a wand light?  (Fun Fact: It also works with Siri to turn on your device’s flashlight)

Answer: Lumos and Nox

Winners: Rowan in Div. 22, Rhys in Div. 20, and Edward in Div.6

The Staff Question was: What curse tortures its victim?

Answer: The Cruciatus curse

Winner: Seb – another one of our Awesome EA’s

Next week will feature new questions on our new theme of FOOD! On that note, could Maddy and Madison bring those March food themed trivia questions to Mr. Arnott in room 119 today at Nutrition Break!