Pizza, pizza, pizza – Advisory teachers, please let your students know who has ordered. A list was emailed out yesterday by Ms Cass. Students, please be ready at your classroom door with a paper towel in hand in alphabetical order and wait for a runner to take you to the pizza serving tables. Students in divisions 1-14, will go to the foyer and students in divisions 15-23 will go to the blue pod table. Students who have a lunch time activity can go straight to their table when the bell rings.
Rugby rugby rugby-Any student who is interested in playing tackle rugby this season, please meet in Ms. Irving’s room- 106 in Amber Pod at nutrition break today
Culture Club Students, please meet at LUNCH the Home Ec Room.
Robotics team we are meeting in the library at lunch.
Yearbook Club meets tomorrow after school. We have lots to catch up on. Please make attend!
Congratulations to the robotics team who competed at the Skills Canada competition at Camosun. Colquitz took first and second places. Edward Johansson, Joseph Grubb, and Henry McDonald placed first. Siddid Batra, Shafay Shaikh, and Liola Ineza placed second. Gian Luca Attene, Xavier Orango, and Mercy Adedeji proudly represented Colquitz!
A reminder to students in the Eco and Outdoor Ed exploratory to stay in your room as Mr. Leblond is coming to you as push-in started this week.
Grade 8 Mentorship group meets with Mr. Leblond tomorrow in the Home Ec Room during block 6 at 1:44. See you there.
The Colquitz Mountain Bike club will resume rides after Spring Break. If you didn’t participate in rides in the fall and are interested in joining the club, please listen for more information in next week’s announcements regarding a meeting. If you have questions about the club, you can talk to Mr. Leblond, Ms. Spies or Ms. Dixon.
Volleyball News:
-Thank you so much to the staff who helped out this week in the gym. It was a perfect storm of sick coaches, A.D. and scorekeepers during playoff season.
-Congratulations to our girls teams who played yesterday after school. The feedback was extremely positive. Stay tuned regarding next playoff game.
-Boys 6/7 have a jamboree after school today
-Girls 7 comp have a practice Friday morning
-Boys ⅞ have practice Friday after school
-Mrs C still needs $5.50 from Matt
Don’t forget that the Culture Club is putting on a Black History Month Movie TODAY after school. We will watch the award-winning REMEMBER THE TITANS in the Band Room starting at about 3:15pm. There is no charge for the movie, but bring some cash if you’d like some Bubbly or Chips. $2/each.Bring a blanket and a friend!
Fine Arts
* 8:54am Band 6 (amber)
* Nutrition Break: Could all Grade 8 theatre students who are attending Little Shop of Horrors at Spectrum tonight please meet briefly in the drama room today to confirm your attendance. If you missed the email, you can still attend, I just need to see you today first!
*10:33am Band 7
*Lunch Jazz Band
*Lunch: Dancers
*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Zelda, Kathy, Lina and Chorus Girls (not dancers)