February 26


Thank you so much to all the Colquitz staff and students who made paper t-shirts and are wearing pink today to raise awareness of the issue of bullying and take a stand against it. This visual act of wearing pink is a great way to show you are against bullying. It is however, important that we all stand up against any kind of bullying every day, all year long! Thanks for helping make our school and world a better place Colquitz! We will take a photo in the foyer at Nutrition Break of everyone wearing pink! Go there at the bell!  Also look for leadership students who will be handing out pink shirt day stickers at nutrition break!  


Rugby rugby rugby- there is a meeting Thursday at nut break for anyone interested in playing tackle rugby. 


Pizza, pizza, pizza – Just a reminder about pizza lunch tomorrow!!


Today is also Mahashivratri, which is a Hindu festival that is celebrated in honour of Lord Shiva. Shiva is known as the destroyer who re-creates the world, and is also associated with time.  It is believed that on this day, Lord Shiva performed the Tandava, his cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction. 


Additionally, it is also believed that this day marks the union of Shiva and Parvati, revered as the goddess of power, energy, nourishment, harmony, love, beauty, devotion, and motherhood. Shivrati symbolises overcoming darkness and ignorance. 


The sacred night of Mahashivratri falls on the 14th night of the lunar month of Phalguna. In 2025, it is observed on February 26.   Devotees fast, pray, and visit Shiva temples to seek blessings. Many stay awake all night, chanting and performing special rituals.


Today after Lunch recess, we will all  be enjoying a special Jamaican dessert to celebrate Black History Month.  We will do a whole-school ZOOM to enjoy it together!


The Colquitz Rainbow club will meet today at lunch in the Library!


Volleyball News


-Congratulations to the grade 6 girls volleyball team in their final jamboree last night here at Colquitz. You played hard and showed a lot of enthusiasm and positivity! Thank you also to all the scorekeepers and liners who helped make the evening a success!

-We desperately need 4 or 5 scorekeepers for today’s playoff game.  Please sign up on the sheet outside room 129 and report to Ms Schuring.   As all other team members are playing today, It will have to be students who don’t play volleyball or we would love our gr 6 girls who have been scorekeeping and lining to come out.

-Mr. Brown’s Grade ⅞ girls volleyball team has a game at Selkirk Montessori School today at 345. Make sure you have rides. Mr. Brown will meet you at the game. 

-boys 6/7 tripleball team, we have our final game tomorrow after school from 3-4pm

-Good luck to both girls teams playing in their first playoff game today!

-Boys you have an exhibition game at St Andrews today.  Make sure you have your rides in order. 


Culture Club Students, please meet at LUNCH the Home Ec Room.


The Culture Club is putting on a Black History Month Movie THURSDAY (tomorrow) after school.  We will watch the award-winning REMEMBER THE TITANS in the Band Room starting at about 3:15pm.  There is no charge for the movie, but bring some cash if you’d like some Bubbly or Chips.  $2/each. Bring a blanket and a friend!


Let’s get ready to rumble! Robotics team, please meet in the foyer at 9:30 am to travel to Camosun for the competition. 


Are you a soccer player or enjoy playing soccer?  The World Cups Soccer Festival is being held this April, over the Easter weekend. Registration is now open. Advisory teachers, please share the slide deck information with your students. 


Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 8 Band

* 10:33am Grade 6 Band (green)

* 11:15am Grade 7 Band

*1:45 – 4:00pm Theatre Pullout opening scene and “Fit as a Fiddle” Norman Bailey, various “stars” Ensemble of fans and customers

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Band