February 11

Everyone attending the Lahal tournament at Spectrum tomorrow please meet briefly in Red pod hallway today during lunch recess time. 

Lead the Change meets today at lunch in the library

Lead the Change Club has begun circulating jars of candy to classrooms.  Guess how many candies are in the jar and win the jar to share with your class!  Advisory teachers, please pass the jar around to your grade group today and make sure completed ballots are submitted to the jar in the office.  Remember, if we can’t read your name or your number, your ballot does not count. +

Yearbooks are on sale now!  Make sure to check the order information that is sent out to parents in the weekly newsletter and is posted on the posters around the school.  You will need to copy down the website and our special order ID number.

Grade 7 mentorship group meets tomorrow with Mr. Leblond. Please meet Mr. Leblond in the Home Ec Room at the beginning of block 6 at 1:44 pm.

Volleyball News:

-Congratulations to the boys who played last night!  The results were fantastic! There is a note from Brookes that one of the players left their jersey there last night-#21.  You will have to go retrieve that.

-Good luck to the grade 6 girls playing after school today. Helping at today’s games are:  Alli, Abby and Harrison.

-Grade 6 boys tripleball team, we have a practice at lunch today. We will have our second jamboree on Thursday from 3-4pm.

-We need 3 more people to sign up for scorekeeping Wednesday for the girls comp games.  Since all 3 girls teams are playing, this means we need some gr ⅞ boys to help out.  

Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 6 Band (amber)

* 10:33am Grade 8 Band

* 11:15am Grade 6 Band (green)

* Lunch Don and Cosmo

* After school “Moses Supposes” Don, Cosmo, Dinsmore, Students

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Band

IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA TIME! Here are this week’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter Questions. Good luck! 

The Student Question is: What item of clothing does Harry give Dobby?

The Staff Question is: What is Albus Dumbledore’s full name?