Volleyball News:
-Good luck to the boys who are playing at Spencer and at Brookes today. Make sure your rides are in order. If you do not have a ride, please see Mrs C before the end of the day. All tournament and hoodie forms need to be given to Mrs C today.
-If any grade 6 girls are scorekeeping Tuesday, please see Mrs C at lunch today to get some practice. Helping at tomorrow’s games are: Alli, Abby and Harrison.
-We need 3 more people to sign up for scorekeeping Wednesday. Since all 3 girls teams are playing, this means we need some gr ⅞ boys to help out. Remember: you can’t play if you don’t have the staff!
-Girls 8 comp practice after school today and tomorrow at 7:30am
-Girls 7 comp practice tomorrow am at 7
A reminder to staff to sign up on the sheets in the gym if you want the nets left up.
Everyone attending the Lahal tournament at Spectrum on Wednesday please meet briefly in red pod hallway TUESDAY during lunch recess time.
Ms. Dong and Mr. Dhillon will be hosting a Cuban Rueda Dance Club during Monday and Friday’s lunch recess in the gym. The word “Rueda” means “wheel” in Spanish, referring to the circular style of the dance. This Cuban Salsa-style dance involves partners holding hands. If you’re not comfortable with body contact, this may not be for you. However, if you enjoy dancing with friends to upbeat music, this is the place to be! A friendly reminder for musical students: if you’re interested, please attend the Monday dance practices only, as you have musical practices on Fridays. Today, we hope to see you in the gym after the recess bell for some fun dancing!
Lead the Change Club has begun circulating jars of candy to classrooms. Guess how many candies are in the jar and win the jar to share with your class! Advisory teachers, please pass the jar around to your grade group today and make sure completed ballots are submitted to the jar in the office. Remember, if we can’t read your name or your number, your ballot does not count.
Yearbooks are on sale now! Make sure to check the order information that is sent out to parents in the weekly newsletter and is posted on the posters around the school. You will need to copy down the website and our special order ID number.
Thank you to all the staff who have submitted photos! Most files are looking great!
Fine Arts
* 9:36am Grade 6 Choir
* 10:33am Grade 8 Choir
* 11:15am Grade 7 Choir
*Lunch Norman Bailey
* 1:04pm Beginner Strings
* 1:44pm Int/Adv Strings
* After school Don, Cosmo, Kathy
*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade 6 Choir and Jazz Band