February 05

Celebrate the 100th day of school tomorrow by dressing like you’re 100 and you could win a prize. 


Pizza, pizza, pizza – Just a reminder about pizza lunch tomorrow!!

Attention all current grade 8 students who will be attending Spectrum in September. Did you know that Spectrum has a Junior Varsity football team? This is for all students that will be in grade 9 and 10 for the following school year in September but they start as soon as May for their spring camp. The season runs from August 15 until December. There are two positives about this opportunity: 1) you don’t need any experience 2) it is a great way to feel connected to a brand-new school immediately. Anyone interested please sign up in the office. The football staff will follow up by the end of February. Go Coho!! Go Thunder!!

The Colquitz Rainbow club will meet today at lunch in the Library!

Regarding the snow at breaks: Today, we will have two special zones: The snowball area on the side field, and a snow-people-building contest on the back Library field.  The team with the winning snow person will win Timbits tomorrow!  You will have both Nutrition break and Lunch recess to build your snowpeople.  We will judge after lunch.  We will come around and take photos of groups to remember who was in each group.

Regarding snowballs, they can ONLY be thrown on the side field in the special, coned-off zone.  You cannot enter the zone and throw balls at people, then step outside the zone and say you’re off limits. If you choose to engage, you’re in.  BE AWARE THAT THE SNOW MAY BE MORE ICY AND HARD, so CHOOSE VERY CAREFULLY around if you want to engage or not today.  Several people got hurt on Tuesday, and we don’t want that to be you!   If you do not want to be hit with snowballs, stay FAR AWAY from this zone.  If you are seen throwing them in other areas, especially at unsuspecting people, you will be sent to talk to Ms Schlappner and Ms Elford.


From Ms. Goldman: Colquitz Family Hockey Night is here again! I’m excited to invite all students, staff, and their families to cheer on the Jr. Victoria Cougars on Thursday, February 13. Please note this is a family event, and all students must be accompanied by an adult. Admission is free for all Colquitz families. Info sheets will be sent home soon. Advisory teachers, please watch for information sheets in your boxes this week. Go Cougars!


Volleyball News:

-Good luck to the girls Comp 7 team and the girls Comp 8 team who are traveling to their games after school today!

Staff:  Make sure you have indicated on the schedule in the gym if you want the nets left up.

Grade 8 mentorship group meets this Friday. Stayed tuned to tomorrow’s announcements for the time and location of Friday’s meeting.


IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA TIME! Here are this week’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter Questions. Good luck! 

The Student Question is: What animal is Harry Potter’s patronus?

The Staff Question is: What animal is Severus Snape’s patronus?


Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 8 Band

* 10:33am Grade 6 Band (green)

* 11:15am Grade 7 Band

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Band