Please place all Survival Socks donations in the coloured boxes near your pod before lunch today.
Lead the Change today at lunch in the library.
Band Green and Amber Team: you need to bring a pencil to band today, please
Order your yearbook! Order information is emailed to parents in the weekly newsletter and can also be found on the posters around the school.
Grade 7 mentorship group meets tomorrow at the beginning of silent reading. Meet in the Art Room after recess as we are going to the Flipside tomorrow.
Lahal practice today at lunch recess in the red pod hallway. Everyone welcome. Those who are attending the Lahal tournament on Feb 12th need to bring your permissions forms to Ms Spies (rm 127) or Mrs. James (rm 126) ASAP
Staff, please add your images to the collaboration drive. Please make sure you are not adding images to the files that are titled “Already Uploaded”
Reminder to students in the “Culture Club” helping to plan the Black History Month assembly, we are meeting in the Home Ec Room at lunch. Anyone is welcome!
Volleyball News:
-Congratulations to the boy’s teams who played their first games last night. You had some tough competition but still held your own, winning many sets. Your next practice is Friday after school. Make sure to get on the Remind App please.
-There is a Grade 6/7 boys rec practice today at lunch. See you at the beginning of eating time!
-Helping the gr 6’s to scorekeep and line today after school are: Beni, Harrison, Ethan, Alli and and Abby. Let Mrs C know if you cannot make it after all. We still do not have any scorekeepers for tomorrow’s game. It is crucial that we get 5 people to sign up.
-Girls 7 comp, make sure you have your rides to Royal Oak for tomorrow.
-Mr. Brown’s grade ⅞ girls volleyball team you have a meeting in the gym at nutrition break to sort out rides for tomorrow’s game.
Fine Arts
* 9:36am Grade 6 Band (amber)
* 10:33am Grade 8 Band
* 11:15am Grade 6 Band (green)
* Lunch: Script pick up
*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Full read through of the script. All students with speaking roles must attend.
*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ choir and Grade 6 band
IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA TIME! Here are this week’s final Colquitz Middle School themed questions!
The Student Question is: What year did Colquitz Middle School start? (Hint: The year starts with a 2)
The Staff Question is: What year was “The Strap” punishment “retired” at Colquitz Jr. Secondary School?