January 22

We are especially in need of small shampoos, conditioners, soap, hand sanitizers, deodorants and long, warm socks to complete our Survival Socks initiative. Please drop off donations in your pod collection box by Tuesday January 28th. Thank you for helping your community! 


Grade 6 Boys Mentorship Group meets today. We will be going to the Flipside at Pearkes. Please meet 

Mr. Leblond in the Art Room at the beginning of the silent reading so that we can walk to the Flipside.


The Colquitz Rainbow club will meet today at lunch in the Library!


Volleyball News:

-Good luck to the grade 7 and grade 8 girls teams playing after school today.  Blue team- make sure you have rides in order to Royal Oak and that you have your jersey.  If you do not have a ride, please see Mrs C

-Score keepers today after school are: Ella W, Aryya, Camila, Lielti, Gurneet, Nate, Carter, Seth, Kesler and Aryan.  Please come to the gym right away to help set up.

-Please sign up on the sheets outside Mrs C’s room to help with scorekeeping for future games.

-Girls 6 rec practice at lunch today

-Kiet’s 7 team practices tomorrow morning.  Note the day change as there is no school on Friday.

-Mr.Brown’s ⅞ rec team. Please meet in the gym at Nutrition Break


Pizza, pizza, pizza – Just a reminder about pizza lunch tomorrow!!

*Sarah will come do an announcement

*Community Action student – Mercy – will do an announcement


Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 8 Band

* 10:33am Grade 6 Band (green)

* 11:15am Grade 7 Band

*Lunch today is a solo singing makeup session for anyone who may have missed last week

*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Musical Theatre speaking auditions conclude.  This is the last open session for all auditioners.  Tomorrow will be call backs for Don, Kathy, Cosmo, and Lina only.  Call back notices will be emailed out this evening.

*7:40 am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Band