Please bring in Survival Socks donations and drop them off in your pod collection box by Tuesday January 28th.
Yearbook club meets today after school in Ms. Dong’s room.
Volleyball News:
Girls 8 Lisa’s team practice after school today
Girls 6 practice Monday morning 7:15
Volleyball Scorekeepers needed!!!!! Do you want to participate in Colquitz Volleyball in a super helpful way? We will practice Monday at lunch in the gym. The first game will be next Wednesday after school.
Fine Arts
* 1:04pm Beginner strings
* 1:44pm Int/Adv strings
*Lunch: Solo singing auditions continue today. You must sign up for a spot as there is limited time and space.
*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Musical Theatre speaking auditions continue. You may attend any session, and leave whenever you need to. You may attend up to 3 after school audition times. (we want you to feel successful!)
IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA ANSWER TIME! Here were this week’s Colquitz Middle School themed questions and their answers!
The Student Question was: What current staff member painted the mural in our school library?
Answer: Mike the EA, Mr. Mike or Mr. Mittermuller
Winners: Oakley in Div.2, Aliya in Div. 16 and Sonia in Div. 23
The Staff Question was: How many students are currently enrolled in Colquitz Middle School?
Answer: 528
Winner: No winners this week, but for bragging rights Mr. Guizzo was the closest at 524.
Next week will feature another CMS themed question.