Toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, shampoo and soap. granola bars, mini-tissue packages, packs of gum, bus passes and new or nearly new long warm socks. These are all things that you probably take for granted, but did you know that these items can make a huge difference to people in need? We are collecting toiletry items for survival socks until Tuesday January 28. Thanks for your donations, Colquitz!
Volleyball news:
-boys ⅞ practice after school today. Make sure you get on the remind app so that you can be informed of practice times.
-Kiet’s team practices tomorrow morning at 7
-Lisa’s team practices Friday after school tomorrow.
Yearbook club is meeting tomorrow after school in Ms. Dong’s room.
Make sure to order your yearbook! Order information is emailed to parents every week and can also be found on the posters around the school. Don’t delay! Order today!
Old Basketball stuff:
Boys 6 team- If you have anything to contribute to Jesse and Jenn’s gift, please see Mrs C today or tomorrow.
-there are still plenty of jerseys missing. Please please return them right away.
The Lego Robotics Club meets today in the library at lunch. Please collect your pizza at the beginning of lunch with the band students and arrive promptly.
Pizza, pizza, pizza – Advisory teachers, please let your students know who has ordered. A list was emailed out yesterday by Ms. Bender. Students, please be ready at your classroom door with a paper towel in hand in alphabetical order and wait for a runner to take you to the pizza serving tables. Students in divisions 1-14, will go to the foyer and students in divisions 15-23 will go to the blue pod table. Students who have a lunch time activity can go straight to their table when the bell rings.
Fine Arts
* 8:54am Band 6 (amber)
*10:33am Band 7
*Lunch Jazz Band
*Lunch: Solo singing auditions continue today. You must sign up for a spot as there is limited time and space.
*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Musical Theatre speaking auditions continue. You may attend any session, and leave whenever you need to. You may attend up to 3 after school audition times. (we want you to feel successful!)