January 13

Students who are helping with posters for Black Excellence Day on January 15th (which is Wednesday), Please join us in the Art room TODAY at lunch.  Bring your lunch!


Volleyball News:


-practice after school today for Lisa’s 8 team

-practice for Kiet’s team 7 am tomorrow morning.  Lisa’s team will begin practice at 7:30


Old Basketball news:

Still waiting for some jerseys.  Please return your clean jersey to your coach or to Mrs C as soon as possible.  

If there are any boys who played with Jesse and Jen, and want to contribute to their gift or you did not sign their cards, see Mrs C at lunch today.  


Staff:  remember to indicate on the schedule in the gym if you would like the nets up.  


Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 6 Choir (group singing placement for Musical Theatre)

* 10:33am Grade 8 Choir (group singing placement for Musical Theatre)

* 11:15am Grade 7 Choir(group singing placement for Musical Theatre)

* Lunch: Any students not in Choir but doing the musical should attend today at lunch for a voice placement

* 1:04pm Beginner Strings

* 1:44pm Int/Adv Strings

*After school 3:00 – 4:15pm Musical Theatre speaking auditions begin.  You may attend any session, and leave whenever you need to.  You may attend up to 3 after school audition times. (we want you to feel successful!)

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade 6 Choir and Jazz Band