January 7

Lead the Change Club meets today at lunch in the library. 


Students interested in planning ideas for Black Excellence Day on January 15th (which is next Wednesday), Black History Month in February and are interested in how to center a larger variety of cultures and ethnicities in our school community more consistently throughout the year.  Please join us in the Home Ec room TOMORROW, Wednesday, at lunch.  Bring your lunch!


Lahal practice today at lunch recess in the Red Pod hallway.


Volleyball News:

-Boys 6/7 volleyball practice at lunch today. Please come to the gym at the start of lunch. That means as soon as the bell rings, right away, before eating time! If you are in grade 7 and did not try out for the ⅞ comp team, you are welcome to come out for the 6/7 rec league.  Again, this practice today is for anyone who wants to play on the 6/7 rec team.

-Boys ⅞ white and blue teams practice after school today, Wednesday and Thursday

-Girls 6 practice at lunch on Wednesday

-Girls ⅞ Kiet’s team- the list is posted on the athletic board.


Staff:  there is a PE schedule taped up in the gym.  Please indicate if you would like the nets left up for your PE class.  This will reduce the wear and tear on the equipment.


Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 6 Band (amber)

* 10:33am Grade 8 Band

* 11:15am Grade 6 Band (green)

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Band


IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA TIME! Here are this week’s Colquitz Middle School themed questions! Good Luck.

The Student Question is: Our school has had different mascots throughout the years.  What was the school mascot before the cougar? (Hint: Think Colquitz Junior Secondary)

The Staff Question is: What current staff member has had a child go to Colquitz in the past year?