December 18

Lego Robotics team practice will not meet today due to a staff function in the library.


There is No Yearbook Club tomorrow. 


Reminder to all teachers of the practice for the assembly in Room 104 at Nutrition Break!


Swimmers, practice is ON tomorrow. Please let Ms. Steffens know if you are unable to attend.


A reminder to all students that the Library Learning Commons is open for Drop-in book exchange from 2:30 until the end of the day. This is a great time to come get a new book before the winter break! Students, please get permission from your teacher before coming.


Come sing festive songs before school tomorrow in the foyer with Ms. Thom and Mr. Guizzo! 

Tomorrow is Hot Chocolate Day! Wear your cozy PJs and bring your own mug tomorrow to enjoy a yummy cup of hot chocolate with your class.