December 17

Candy grams are on sale today for 25 cents! Deliver a treat and a note to your friend or yourself!  Line up in the foyer after lunch eating time to purchase yours!  All proceeds will be donated to Wild Arc animal shelter in Metchosin. 


Reminder: Only write candy grams from yourself and not from other people. If you want to leave the from section blank, you may do so.  If you write an unkind message, your tag will be destroyed and not sent. 

Today is HOLIDAY SWEATER DAY!!  Are you looking hideously festive today? Come to the foyer at nutrition break if you think you have the best sweater!  Prizes will be given to the top 3 sweaters!! Thank you to everyone who is participating in today’s spirit day!  


Volleyball News:

-Boys 6/7 practice rec practice today at lunch.  This is not a practice for grade 7 comp if you have been going to the ⅞ practices.  We will rework this after the cuts are made.

-Volleyball practice for boys ⅞ after school today


– Reminder to all teachers of the practice for the assembly in Room 104 at Nutrition Break!

A reminder to all students that the Library Learning Commons is open for Drop-in book exchange from 2:30 until the end of the day. This is a great time to come get a new book before the winter break! Students, please get permission from your teacher before coming.


Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 6 Band (amber)

* 10:33am Grade 8 Band

* 11:15am Grade 6 Band (green)

*lunch information session about the Musical!  Find out about auditions, what to expect, and ask all the questions you need!

*7:40 am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Choir and Grade 6 Band

Concert tomorrow!  Don’t forget to wear your uniform!


3 more days until Hot Chocolate Day! Wear your cozy PJs and bring your own mug on Friday to enjoy a yummy cup of hot chocolate with your class. Friday morning, classes will be brought down one at a time to the foyer. Thank you to the PAC for bringing this event together!


IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA TIME! Here are this week’s (and the last ones for 2024) movie themed questions! Good Luck.

Student Question: How old is Kevin McCallister in the movie ‘Home Alone 1’?

Staff Question: What are the first names of the 2 burglars in “Home Alone 1’?


Joke:  What did the farmer say about their favourite scarecrow?  “He’s out standing in his field.”