Lego Robotics team practice today at lunch in the library. Robotic engineers pick up their pizza at the bell with the band students.
Yearbook Club meets tomorrow after school. Staff, please upload your photos. We are in need of photos from explanatories, music, and many classes.
Candy grams go on sale next week for only 25 cents! Buy a candy gram for yourself or a friend and help support the SPCA’s wild animal rehabilitation centre! Advisory teachers, please share the candy gram slide deck with your class this week.
Grade ⅞ Boys Basketball players please bring in your jerseys!
Any girls who played on the 6/7 girls comp team, please come to Mrs. C’s room at NB to sign a thank you card for Patrick!
Boys 6/7 comp basketball after school Friday.
Grade 6 boys who are interested in playing volleyball this year, there will be an information meeting today at nutrition break in the gym. We need to know how players are interested right away so it is important you attend.
Grade ⅞ boys Competitive Basketball team, your NBA 2K Game day is scheduled for tomorrow Friday the 13th at 12:15 in room 122. Bring your Controllers.
Fine Arts
* 8:54am Band 6 (amber)
*10:33am Band 7
*Lunch Jazz Band
* tomorrow after school is the new time for the Cast party