December 11

Candy grams go on sale next week for only 25 cents!  Buy a candy gram for yourself or a friend and help support the SPCA’s wild animal rehabilitation centre!  Advisory teachers, please share the candy gram slide deck with your class this week. 


The Colquitz Rainbow club will meet today at lunch in the Library! Please come at lunch EATING time so you don’t miss out on today’s activity!


Grade ⅞ Boys Basketball players please bring in your jerseys! 


Volleyball news:

-If you are interested in playing recreational volleyball, make sure you sign your name up on the athletic board in the foyer so we can arrange coaches.

-A reminder that there is no practice for ⅞ girls tomorrow morning.  

-Boys ⅞ practice after school today. But not one tomorrow.


Swimmers, we have a meet this Sunday! Please let Ms. Steffens know TODAY if you can make it or not. 


Grade 6 boys who are interested in playing volleyball this year, there will be an information meeting tomorrow at nutrition break in the gym.  


There will be NO Grade 6 girls volleyball practice today at lunch. No practice today. Practices will start next Monday morning at 7:15am!


Fine Arts

* 9:36am Grade 8 Band

* 10:33am Grade 6 Band (green)

* 11:15am Grade 7 Band

*7:40am tomorrow morning Grade ⅞ Band


Grade 6 teachers… This a reminder that the mentorship group is happening today in the Art Room during block 6. Check your email for the list of participants. If you have another student in mind, feel free to send them to the group today.