Yearbook club meets today after school.
Boys 6/7 basketball after school today
Volleyball News:
Students: If you are interested in playing recreational volleyball rather than competitive volleyball, please see the sign up sheets on the athletic board. Make sure to sign your name on the right list. We will not look for coaches for these teams if there is no interest. Recreation league has 3 jamborees rather than a game every week. You will have 1 or two practices a week rather than 2 or 3 practices. If you have multiple commitments, this may be the option for you!
Boys 7.8 Comp team are invited to room 122 today for their 2k Social. You have permission to eat in Mr. Cormier’s room when the bell rings.
Indigenous Student Lunch – today in the Home Ec Room. Those students with Indigenous ancestry are welcome to join us for a pizza lunch in the Home Ec Room, starting at 11:57 today. We hope to see you there!
There will be NO swim practice today after school. Please make sure you tell Ms. Steffens if you will be attending the December 15th swim meet as soon as possible.
(Ms Schlappner) It’s Fri-Yay Time – Congratulations to all of the people who were nominated for Fri-yay by going and beyond in some way this week. We can only draw one name per grade per week, but know you are all seen and appreciated. This week’s winners are: (read off slips off paper: names, grades, divs and why nominated).Come to the office AFTER the announcements to pick up your prize!
Fine Arts
* 1:04pm Beginner strings
* 1:44pm Int/Adv strings
IT IS TUESDAY TRIVIA ANSWER TIME! Here are this week’s themed questions and answers!
Student Question was: What is the rooster’s name in ‘Moana’?
Answer: Hei-Hei
Winners: Chantelle in Div. 21, Tejal in Div.16 and Briella in Div.8
Staff Question was: What is the name of the island that had its heart stolen in the movie “Moana’?
Answer: Tefiti
Winner: Mx. Menzies
Next week will feature another movie themed question.
Book Battle Meeting in the Library at the lunch bell. Bring your lunch and books!