Lego Robotics team practice today at lunch in the library. Robotic engineers pick up their pizza at the bell with the band students.
Yearbook Club tomorrow after school
Yearbooks are now on Sale. Order information was emailed out to all families last week. Don’t leave it to the last minute! Order your yearbook today!
Staff, please take photos of your classes, clubs and teams and upload them to the collaboration drive.
Pizza, pizza, pizza – Please listen carefully. Advisory teachers, please let your students know who has ordered. A list was emailed out on Monday by Cass. Students, please be ready at your classroom door with a paper towel in hand in alphabetical order and wait for a runner to take you to the pizza serving tables. Students who have a lunch time activity can go straight to their table when the bell goes. Students in divisions 1-14, will go to the foyer and students in divisions 15-23 will go to the blue pod table.
Basketball News:
-Good luck to the 6/7 boys playing tonight in their playoff game!
-All other teams should be returning their jerseys back to their coaches.
-A reminder that there is no basketball practice for 6/7 girls tomorrow morning. Enjoy the sleep in!
-There is a game at lunch in the gym for all 6/7 girls who played basketball. Rec vs comp!
Volleyball News:
-There was a meeting and practice this am with the girls ⅞ coaches. If you were unable to attend, please ask another player or Mrs. C for information. The next practice will be Tuesday
-There is a quick meeting after school today with Mr. Robillard for ⅞ boys volleyball competitive. If you cannot attend, let a friend know you are interested so we can get an idea for numbers. Come to room 129 as the gym will be occupied.
Fine Arts
*Congratulations to the cast and crew of the starship neophyte! You did a fantastic job on stage and the audience loved it, now to keep on working to improve backstage work too! See you all again tonight!
* 8:54am Band 6 (amber)
*10:33am Band 7
*Lunch Jazz Band
5:45pm CAST AND CREW can begin arriving for OPENING NIGHT! (No later than 6:15pm please)
Go to Art room to get into hair and make up, then to Red pod for warm up.
7:00PM Show starts.
A reminder that the library is open for drop in exchange from 2:30 onwards today. Ms.Patten would love to help you find the perfect book for you! Students please ask your teacher permission before coming.